Tuesday, 29 August 2017

THE MASTERMINDS OF THE REBELLION IN INC  - An article of lies rebutted!!!

This is a point by point rebuttal to a piece of article that amounts to no less than a black propaganda  written by someone who is coward enough not to divulge his identity.  What makes it really toxic is because it infects and poisoned the minds of the brethren who up to now remain oblivious and seemingly unaffected by what has been happening in the Church today.  Brethren who remain uncaring of the sacred teachings that we received from God, from our Lord Jesus and the Apostles laid down to us through the instrumentality of God’s Last Messenger. It is garbage because there was not a single evidence that could back up his numerous accusations against the family of Brother Erano G. Manalo which is not really surprising because they thrive in telling lies.  As what I have said again and again, lie is the air they breathe.  It is almost like their existence in this world is of no significance at all if they will not lie and so lie they do.

Let’s begin with the title of this prostituted journalism.  It says “The masterminds of the rebellion in INC.” 

In order to sell his junk to the unsuspecting brethren, it has to have a jolt in the title which is “the rebellion.”  This is the product of their wild imagination in furtherance of deception - a scenario that they created, cultivated and fertilized.  This is exactly what they want to paint in the minds and consciousness of the brethren – that there indeed were elements of the Church who rebelled.  But when subjected to a careful, analytical and thorough scrutiny, their creation cannot hold water and will simply die.  Why?  Because if you ask any of the expelled members, officers and ministers if they rebelled, the answer is a big flat “NO”.   We, the true defenders were trained to obey the will and the teachings of God!  For the record, we were expelled from the synagogue accordingly because we violated the doctrines of the Church.  But there was no mention at all as to the specific doctrines that we violated.   We were never given the chance to defend ourselves.  Why? Because had they done so, all those accusations in the expulsion letter will explode right in their faces for we are certain they will never be able to substantiate their claims. The truth of the matter is we were expelled because we opposed and exposed the corruption of those holding the reign in the INC.  The “rebellion” that they charged us with is a façade, a cover for their crimes to give some credence to the mass expulsion that they did to the people of God.

The author talk as if he has access to the inner thoughts of the family of Ka Erdy.  A portion of what he wrote reads: 

Early on, Angel and Marc Manalo (along with their mother, Mrs. Tenny and sister, Lottie) had quietly resisted the forthcoming ascension of their older brother to the highest office in the Church.  They worried that their existing privileges as immediate family members of the then Executive Minister would be severely curtailed, if not totally cut. They had seen how their own father, Bro. Erano, did something similar with his own siblings when he assumed the office of Executive Minister.

Let me pause for a while here and ask  “What evidence are you holding in your bag in saying so? 

Let us dissect his statements.  The most prudent thing that he should have done is to back his statements up with solid proofs and concrete facts.  He mentioned the word “forthcoming” that simply means EVM has not yet ascended to the office and Ka Erdy is therefore still alive.  That being the case, is there any evidence that the family had exerted any sort of influence on the Executive Minister and show their resistance to EVM’s forthcoming ascension?  We are certain that if there is, Ka Erdy himself will correct and order them to back-off he being the Corporation Sole and Executive Minister of the Church.  

Moreover, what is his basis in saying “EVM’s forthcoming ascension?”  The family is fully aware of the amendments to the Articles of Incorporation and By-laws introduced by Ka Erdy requiring an election to his successor.  It couldn’t be argued that EVM was already elected years prior because that election was effectively invalidated and superseded by the amendments of 2007. 

Furthermore, where did he get the idea that the family is “worried that their existing privileges maybe severely curtailed if not totally cut.”  Did any of the family members talked to him about this?  Or did he hear it perhaps from someone close to the family while venting their worries about their privileges that maybe in jeopardy?  If there is nothing that he can show, then he is most definitely holding on to the proverbial empty bag.  He knows nothing but lies upon lies. 

Again, if this guy is not able to produce any evidence that Ka Erdy did something similar with his own siblings when he assumed the office of the Executive Minister”, it is better for him to shut up than to sound like a clanging cymbal.  Here he mentioned the siblings of Ka Erdy which is simply referring to his brothers and sisters.  Is there any evidence on hand that Ka Erdy indeed curtailed their privileges?

This loser of a guy mentioned also the “prized entitlements and the lifestyle they had gotten accustomed to.”   Again, he failed to elaborate on what he is referring to with prized entitlements and lifestyle!  He must be referring to the “lavish and extravagant lifestyle” of those who are now holding the reign in the Church - a complete 360 degree-turnaround from the teachings of the Bible for ministers to live a simple life.    It was clear to us that they were behind the story about “Cutting Classes,   a black propaganda shown in social media with a promise to provide documentary evidence but what happened?  Because it was predicated on lies and evil thoughts, it simply fizzled out and vanished in thin air.  The promised evidence was nowhere to be found because there never was in the first place. 

He also said:

“Moreover, they feared that they would lose whatever top positions they might have had their eye on – what they had assumed to be their rightful place in the Church hierarchy by virtue of their being “apo ng sugo”.  To them, it didn’t matter whether they were qualified for those positions or not; that was beside the point.”

Now this has become very interesting.  It thus looks so much that he is not just simply a pathological liar but he wants to project that he knows what’s in the mind of Brother Marc and Angel.  He knows their fears!  Wow, a mind reader!!!  But the only correct statement that we have read so far is that they, the brothers are “apo ng sugo”.    He mentioned the word “qualified” so here is the fun part.  I for one can say without any hesitation and with full conviction that brothers Marc and Angel are not qualified in any position that any of the Church council members are holding on right now.  Let me repeat – they are not qualified!!!   Why?  What are the qualifications to be in the hierarchy of the INC today?  

1.       Must be corrupt!  (The first qualification with a promise of material wealth)
2.       Liar!!!  (A must)
3.       Merciless (rejoice at the sufferings and torture of the brethren)
4.       Have the heart to disrespect your parents.
5.       Ruthless (capable of committing murder)
6.       Insatiable appetite for fame (Guinness Book of Records)
7.       Must divest yourself of the word “love.”  

      Brothers Marc and Angel simply has none of the qualifications above-mentioned.

He said in the next paragraph that:

“Bro. Eduardo was, …… more than compassionate with his mother and siblings”.  

Again let’s ask:  since when does compassionate means to expel his mother and siblings without due process?  Granting without admitting that they indeed erred what does the Bible tell us when a brother or sister sins?  In the book of Matthew chapter 18: 15-17 this is what is written”

“If your brother or sister[b] sins,[c] go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over.16 But if they will not listen, take one or two others along, so that ‘every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.’[d]17 If they still refuse to listen, tell it to the church; and if they refuse to listen even to the church, treat them as you would a pagan or a tax collector.

Did they comply with our Lord Jesus’ instructions above?   Of course not.  It is worth mentioning that  after the death of Ka Erdy, EVM never did talk to his mother anymore.  That is why in the YouTube video of Ka Angel and Ka Tenny, they were so emphatic about their insistence in talking to EVM but it never happen.   How could a son’s heart so calloused that he is able to let the days, months and years go by without talking to his mother?

The writer even said (pay attention to this):

“After all, he was no longer just Mrs. Tenny’s oldest son anymore, or his younger siblings’ “Kuya”. More than that, he was now THE Executive Minister…….”

Assuming “un arguendo” that EVM is the Executive Minister, and assuming further that his mother and siblings sinned against him, isn’t it noble for him to just forgive them since he is now the “Executive Minister?”  Is there a teaching in the bible about forgiveness?  In the same book and chapter verse 21 and 22 this is documented:
Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?”
22 Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.
Brethren, there is no need of further explanation, for it is self- explanatory.  No room for confusion or any misinterpretation for it is very clear that if our brother or sister sinned against us our Lord Jesus exhorts us to forgive not just seven times but seventy-seven times. 
What is another teaching from our Lord Jesus about forgiveness?  Again in the book of Matthew the chapter is 6 and verses 9-12 this is written:
                        Pray like this:
Our Father in heaven,
                may your name be kept holy.
10 May your Kingdom come soon.
May your will be done on earth,
    as it is in heaven.
11 Give us today the food we need,[a]
12 and forgive us our sins,
    as we have forgiven those who sin against us.

If Ka EVM believe in his heart that he is the Executive Minister he should be the first one to exhibit obedience to the words of our Lord Jesus, correct?  Or is it because since he is now the “leader” of the church he is already exempted from complying thereof?  Is he now holier and as infallible as the pope that he no longer need to ask forgiveness of sins from God?

What this author continue to exhibit is his recidivism in hurling unfounded accusations.  In any court of law, accusations unsubstantiated by any sort of evidence will outright end in dismissal and the complainant will himself be subjected to a dressing down from the judge.   In his continuing tirade against the brothers, he alleged that “instead of appreciation they repaid the “new” Executive Minister with smugness, stubbornness and blatant disrespect. And their mother, rather than reprimanding her younger sons………………..., not only encouraged her younger sons’ belligerence.”

We now sound like a broker record here in our insistent demand for evidence for in the spirit of fair play, justice and equity must be exhibited by the author in not irresponsibly hurling unfounded accusations against the brothers without evidence.   He should have shown instances where smugness, stubbornness and blatant disrespect was accorded by the brothers to their kuya.  And what is there for Ka Tenny to reprimand when there was never any display of belligerence on the side of her younger sons?  Everything that this guy mentioned here are simply a product of his own evil imagination -  a dubious concoction in an attempt to put good men down. 

He even posted a picture of Ka Tenny with some alleged notes that only show his pathetic  ignorance.  In the said notes, he even highlighted the word “attack” in his vain and diabolic desire to imply that the brothers are planning to attack the Church or whoever.  As he is clearly hallucinating, we want to ask him what kind of attack is he thinking of that the brothers will do to the Church?  He is a mind-reader anyway and knows the inner thoughts of humans.  If he is referring to a physical and violent attack how come it never happen?   How come there is not even a rumored group loyal to the brothers who will carry out the attack?   All because the “attack” was just a product of his own imagination.  Testament to the fact that there is not enough brains in his head.   He needs to jar his evil thoughts by smashing his head into the nearest coconut tree, if you may!
Here is another black propaganda from the king of lies.

Behaving like the “princes” of time past, Angel and Marc would show up late for ministerial class but would refuse to write a statement explaining their tardiness. This is a clear demonstration of contempt for rules that were implemented as far back as  Bro. Felix Manalo’s time and onwards to Bro. Eduardo’s time. That they pushed back on the discipline imposed for their misconduct is an example cited by their peers of the brothers’ “blue-blood” aristocratic arrogance, thinking the rules don’t apply to them but only to “lowlifes”!

This is way below the belt.  The brothers and the other children of Ka Erdy were molded not just to be better persons but better Christians.  They were under the tutelage of Ka Erdy himself as they are with him even in his office at the Central complex.  There has never been any adverse news against them.  Again, all we demand from this guy is evidence to back his claim up for we know the saying “put up or shut up”.  If you have nothing to show then shut your stinking mouth, right?

Here is another one:

As if that wasn’t enough, in an overt display of irreverence for the ministry, the brothers stopped attending ministerial class altogether, thereby abandoning their primary duty as ministers, which is to preach to the flock. 

This guy is like a two-edge sword insofar as evil work is concerned.  Spewing lies on one hand and twisting facts on the other hand.  The truth is Ka Marc and Ka Angel has been religiously attending ministerial classes.  It is not only a sworn duty to God but also a source of their livelihood.  However, at the dawning of the spirit of Satan, when corruption slowly crept upon the leaders of the Church, the family of Ka Erdy were the very first victims.  The corrupt leaders not contented with the power they now enjoy needed more. They fixed their eyes on the stipend of the family of Ka Erdy - Ka Marc and Ka Angel first and foremost.  So they had to think of ways on how to stop them from receiving their allowance but it should appear judicious in the eyes of the brethren.  What did they do?  They remove the brothers from getting their preaching assignment!  It went on and on. The brothers continue to attend ministerial classes only to find that they were not given an assignment.  It was the beginning of the slow and painful process of alienating the brothers until such time that they, humans as they are got fed up of the kind of treatment they are receiving from their own brother.  And with their preaching assignment gone, so did their monthly tulong.

Why are they so bitter against the family of Ka Erdy?  Because the family is holding on to the truth!!  They know that EVM is not the Executive Minister when he disregarded the amendments to the incorporation papers of the Church.  This is the bone of contention!!!  It was so easy for the family to acknowledge him as the new leader being the first born son anyway and that a Manalo would still be the leader of the Church.  But they preferred to follow and do what is right in the eyes of God. 

This is the real picture!  There is no rebellion!  Rebellion is a façade to justify their evil acts!  Ka Mark and Ka Angel does not lead a group, a company, a battalion, a squad, much less a team, etc. They only lead their own respective families.   A group that is armed to the teeth is an integral part of a rebellion, there has to be rebels who will stage a rebellion, an uprising, an attack. But there was none! 

Who actually did start a rebellion in the Church and what kind?  Let us open the pages of the Bible once again for spiritual guidance.  In the book of Psalm 64:2-6 this is written:

Hear my voice, O God, in my meditation;
Preserve my life from fear of the enemy.
Hide me from the secret plots of the wicked,
From the rebellion of the workers of iniquity,
Who sharpen their tongue like a sword,
And bend their bows to shoot their arrows—bitter words,
That they may shoot in secret at the blameless;
Suddenly they shoot at him and do not fear.
They encourage themselves in an evil matter;
They talk of laying snares secretly;
They say, “Who will see them?”
They devise iniquities:
“We have perfected a shrewd scheme.”
Both the inward thought and the heart of man are deep.

Isn’t the foregoing verses speaks clearly that this author is a worker of iniquity?  The Bible describes his works as rebellion, who sharpen his tongue like a sword, and bend his bows to shoot arrows – bitter words (accusations) that he may shoot in secret at the blameless (Ka Erdy’s family)? 

So who are the rebels? Who staged a rebellion but the workers of iniquity, the leaders of corruption?  They rebelled against God when they shunned His teachings, transgressed His will and exchanged His Glory with material riches.   But this is what God will do to them in the same book of Psalm:

But God shall shoot at them with an arrow;
Suddenly they shall be wounded.
So He will make them stumble over their own tongue;
All who see them shall flee away.
All men shall fear,
And shall declare the work of God;
For they shall wisely consider His doing.
10 The righteous shall be glad in the Lord, and trust in Him.
And all the upright in heart shall glory.