Monday, 23 January 2017

How dynamic is the INC leadership when it comes to violations of the biblical teachings?  Inasmuch as the issue today is the expulsion of Bro. Rolly Huerto and family, let us confine our discussion in the accompanying expulsion letter and pay careful scrutiny in the verses that were used therein.  This time, they used the Amplified version of the Bible in an attempt to justify their action but on the contrary has actually magnified their total disregard of the written prohibitions so as to further their diabolic intentions.   Allow me to print here the entire chapter of the book of 2 John as well as 1 Corinthian 5:13.

2 John Amplified Bible (AMP)

Walk According to His Commandments

The elder [of the church addresses this letter] to the elect (chosen) [a]lady and her children, whom I love in truth—and not only I, but also all who know and understand the truth— because of the truth which lives in our hearts and will be with us forever: Grace, mercy, and peace (inner calm, a sense of spiritual well-being) will be with us, from God the Father and from Jesus Christ, the Father’s Son, in truth and love.
I was greatly delighted to find some of your children walking in truth, just as we have been commanded by the Father. Now I ask you, lady, not as if I were writing to you a new commandment, but [simply reminding you of] the one which we have had from the beginning, that we [b]love and unselfishly seek the best for one another. And this is love: that we walk in accordance with His commandments and are guided continually by His precepts. This is the commandment, just as you have heard from the beginning, that you should [always] walk in love.
For many deceivers [heretics, posing as Christians] have gone out into the world, those who do not acknowledge and confess the coming of Jesus Christ in the flesh (bodily form). This [person, the kind who does this] is the deceiver and the [c]antichrist [that is, the antagonist of Christ]. Watch yourselves, so that you do not lose what we have accomplished together, but that you may receive a full and perfect reward [when He grants rewards to faithful believers]. Anyone who runs on ahead and does not remain in the doctrine of Christ [that is, one who is not content with what He taught], does not have God; but the one who continues to remain in the teaching [of Christ does have God], he has both the Father and the Son. 10 If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching [but diminishes or adds to the doctrine of Christ], do not receive or  welcome him into your house, and do not give him a greeting or any encouragement; 11 for the one who gives him a greeting [who encourages him or wishes him success, unwittingly] participates in his evil deeds.   12 I have many things to write to you, but I prefer not to do so with paper (papyrus) and black (ink); but I hope to come to you and speak with you [d]face to face, so that [e]your joy may be complete.
13 The children of your elect (chosen) sister greet you.

God alone sits in judgment on those who are outside [the faith]. Remove the wicked one from among you [expel him from your church].” 1 Corinthians 5:13

The contents of the expulsion letter are standard, one that every expelled member receives.  It is the same one that I got and I am pretty sure it is also the same one you received too.  It is also the same one that they read in the worship services, but this time, they used the Amplified version of the bible so we will zero-in on this rendition.

The first paragraph informs every one of the expelled member’s alleged violations of the Church’s doctrines and living a life unbecoming of a member of the Church of Christ which is the reason for expulsion.  But there was never any mention of specific violations committed which we are pretty sure if subjected to further scrutiny they will be unable to produce any.  It was then supplemented by the verse below:

God alone sits in judgment on those who are outside [the faith]. Remove the wicked one from among you [expel him from your church].”

Because there is no Tagalog translation of the Amplified Bible, they took it upon themselves to do the translation.  Despicable was the translation of the word “remove” to “palayasin” because we all know that it is incorrect and that hate is obviously written all over it!  Other renditions of the Bible show “Itiwalag” and “alisin” the latter being the most accurate translation for the word “remove”.   

Now comes the tagubilin to all officers of the Church supported by 2 John 1:10-11 of the Amplified Bible.  It is in this verse that magnify their dynamic violation of the biblical teachings.  How?   Let us go ahead and dissect some portions of the entire chapter.  What’s fascinating with this rendition is it provides some aids in understanding the words evidently for the reader not to be lead astray or that there shouldn’t be any room for misinterpretation.   Example: 

“1 The elder [of the church addresses this letter] to the elect (chosen).”

We can see enclosed in parenthesis the word “chosen” that gives meaning to the word “elect”.

“3 Grace, mercy, and peace (inner calm, a sense of spiritual well-being) will be with us,……”

Here we can see “inner calm, a sense of spiritual well-being” was the phrase that further elucidates Grace, mercy and peace.

“7 For many deceivers [heretics, posing as Christians] have gone out into the world,. . . . .”
Here the deceivers were described as “heretics, posing as Christians”

“This [person, the kind who does this] is the deceiver and the [c]antichrist [that is, the antagonist of Christ].”

Here it is clear that those heretics posing as Christians or the person or the kind who does this was identified as the antichrist or “the antagonist of Christ.”  What is the meaning of “antagonist?” gives us the following meanings:

Antagonist = adversary, bad person, bandit, enemy, foe, opponent, oppose

Also in the footnote of this chapter is written:  2 John 1:7 John is not referring to the Antichrist of Revelation, but is using the term generally of anyone who is opposed to the cause of Christ.

It is clear, therefore that this chapter of the Book of 2 John speaks specifically about the antichrist or the antagonist of Christ which is His adversary, a bad person, bandit, enemy, foe, opponent and one who oppose Christ.  Question now to all expelled members of the Iglesia ni Cristo:  Are we in any way whatsoever an enemy of Christ?  Did we ever oppose our Lord Jesus Christ?  Everyone can swear to death that we are not Christ’s adversary but enemies of the corrupt practices perpetrated by the leadership of the Iglesia ni Cristo.  We were one in following the biblical teaching to expose the corruption within the Church.  It is the precise reason why we were expelled.

What are the dynamic violations of the INC leadership?

1.     Deliberate and intentional incorrect application of 2 John 1:10-11 because it applies only to the antichrist as clearly referred to in the Bible.  Intentional because even though they know by heart what the verses are referring to, they still insist in applying the same to the brethren who are expelled not because we are bunch of antichrist but because we stand firm on the side of God.  Galatians 1:8 clearly stated that:

“But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse!”

2.     The same verse 10 mentioned “diminishes or adds to the doctrine of Christ” and this is exactly what they have done: deliberately omitting the very important subject of this letter from Apostle John which is about the antichrist that   If anyone comes to you (referring to the antichrist) and does not bring this teaching [but diminishes or adds to the doctrine of Christ], do not receive or welcome him into your house, and do not give him a greeting or any encouragement; 11 for the one who gives him a greeting [who encourages him or wishes him success, unwittingly] participates in his evil deeds.  

What other prohibitions in the Bible did they violate in the process? 

“Whatever I command you, be careful to observe it; you shall not add to it nor take away from it.” (Deut. 12:32)

“Now these things, brethren, I have figuratively transferred to myself and Apollos for your sakes, that you may learn in us not to think beyond what is written, that none of you may be puffed up on behalf of one against the other.” (1 Cor 4:6)

 What is the warning to those who will diminish or add to what is written?

18 I testify and warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book [its predictions, consolations, and admonitions]: if anyone adds [anything] to them, God will add to him the plagues (afflictions, calamities) which are written in this book; 19 and if anyone takes away from or  distorts the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away [from that one] his share from the tree of life and from the holy city (new Jerusalem), which are written in this book.”  (Revelation 22:18-19)

What makes their violations “dynamic”?   One meaning of the word dynamic is vigorous.  Yes, this is how we can characterize the INC leadership’s violation of biblical teachings.  They vigorously use these verses from the book of 2 John to refer to the brethren they are expelling in spite of the fact that the same do not apply.  This is trickery and deceitful, an insult to the intellect of the unsuspecting brethren.  They are unrelenting and energetic when it comes to intentional mis-use of the verses in an effort to instill hatred in the minds of the congregation and division within families and friends which is simply demonic.

In closing my dear brethren, inasmuch as we confined our discussion in the Book of 2 John talking specifically about the antichrist, who therefore, is the fulfillment thereof?  We are guided by what is written in verses 9 and 10 to wit:

Anyone who runs on ahead and does not remain in the doctrine of Christ [that is, one who is not content with what He taught], does not have God; but the one who continues to remain in the teaching [of Christ does have God], he has both the Father and the Son. 10 If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching [but diminishes or adds to the doctrine of Christ]……”

Who diminishes or adds to the doctrine of Christ?  By contemplation of what’s written in this Book, the INC leadership lead by Bro. EVM and his council are the antichrist, the antagonists of Christ, the enemy, foe, bandit, bad person, opponents of Christ.

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