Wednesday, 31 October 2018



September 2019 is an extremely important date for EVM.  It is the date where he will become the corporation sole and Executive Minister of the Iglesia ni Cristo (Church of Christ) that was registered in the Philippine Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).  You will recall that he assumed this position in 2009 immediately after the passing away of Ka Erdy without complying with the provision of the INC’s Incorporation papers.  He submitted his Affidavit of Accession to Office to the SEC which the latter accepted since acceptance is a mere ministerial function of the SEC.  If the takeover is defective, it is not the duty of the SEC to question it but the parties that may have been aggrieved is given 10 years within which to file a claim that will render EVM’s actions null and void.  The 10-year period is what is called the STATUTES OF LIMITATIONS.  If no party will file a claim challenging his legitimacy within the limits prescribed by law, then the misrepresentation by EVM becomes legal and binding. 

This is the reason we the defenders have been exposing all along that EVM is a fake TP because the provisions of the Church’s incorporation papers were not complied with upon his assumption as successor to Ka Erdy.   It must be noted that from the time of his accession to the throne up to this very moment, we never heard or learned that EVM took an oath and sworn in as Executive Minister and successor of Ka Erdy.  

What provision of the Articles of Incorporation was not complied with when EVM took over as Executive Minister?  Below is what is contained in the Certificate of the Executive Minister for the Amended Articles of Incorporation of the IGLESIA NI CRISTO (CHURCH OF CHRIST).  

That as Executive Minister or Presiding Elder of the IGLESIA NI CRISTO (CHURCH OF CHRIST), the following resolution is hereby adopted:

Resolution #8

Eight:     That in case of vacancy in the office of the Executive Minister or Presiding Elder, the Church Council shall convene and determine by election who shall be the successor.  However, the incumbent Executive Minister or Presiding Elder may convene the Church Council for the purpose of electing or choosing who shall be his successor.  The vacancy in the office of the Deputy Executive Minister shall be filled by a recommendation from the majority of the Church Council, and such recommendation shall be approved by the Executive Minister/Presiding Elder. 

There has been so much controversy surrounding the interpretation of the above provision.  Why?  Because the said provision is not a new provision but is already in the old Articles of Incorporation of the INC.   The apologists of the INC including its puppet ministers are of the opinion that the said provision in the Amended Articles of Incorporation was merely restated and renumbered as it is already included in the old Articles of Incorporation.   Thus; the amendment introduced by Ka Erdy is of no significance and therefore holds no probative value.  While we agree that the said provision is a carry-over from the old Articles of Incorporation, we totally disagree that the amendment from Ka Erdy is of no significance for the following reasons:

  • 1. Why will Ka Erdy, the righteous leader of the INC introduce an                    amendment that has no value at all which is totally an exercise in              futility?  It is way so uncharacteristic of Ka Erdy.  To say that the                amendment is useless is very revolting to reasons and does not                  make any sense at all.
  • 2. The amendment was very timely as it was done after his discovery              of EVM’s evil ways.
  • 3.  Ka Erdy was fully aware that EVM was already elected as his                      successor, therefore, his intent was to invalidate such election and              as  the Corporation Sole of the INC, he is clothed with power to do              such act.  We hold the position that any such expressed written                  document to that effect is not necessary.  The amendment that he              made constitutes an expressed revocation of EVM’s election. 

In the light of the foregoing, it can be deduced that Ka Erdy has all the reasons to amend the Church’s Incorporation papers.  The intent of which is to not allow that the Church in which the Last Messenger and himself labored so hard for be ruined even by his own son.  We members of the INC has seen with our own eyes how in Ka Erdy’s decisions and proclamation he is inspired by the Holy Spirit of God.  There had been so many instances in his lifetime that God was with him.  Too many to mention.  Inspired by the Holy Spirit, he declared to his family in his waning days that;

Aapihin nila kayo  (they will oppress you)
Ititiwalag nila kayo (they will expel you)
Uumang ang pagtalikod  (Apostasy will come knocking)
Pilitin ninyong mabuhay (try to stay alive)

All these as we know were fulfilled.  Not contented with their expulsion, the family are being oppressed to this very day.  Ka Angel and his companions are languishing in jail for trumped-up charges.  Apostasy has been here discreetly sneaked in by the corrupt leaders.

As we already mentioned, Ka Erdy’s intent in the amendment was to invalidate the election of EVM as his successor.  In any contractual interpretation intent is of extreme importance.   If there is a dispute to the interpretation of a contract, Courts seek to enforce the intent of the parties to the contract.  But since Ka Erdy is no longer around, we rely on the attending circumstances and the language of the amendment to determine his real intent.  Moreover, we hold the position that if EVM was elected as successor of Ka Erdy, the latter did not confirm and ratify the same.  Proof of which is while he was sworn in as Deputy Executive Minister, HE WAS NEVER SWORN IN AS EGM’S SUCCESSOR.  Note that his designation and election as Deputy Executive Minister and successor respectively came almost at the same time.  But during the oath taking ceremony, he was only sworn in as Deputy Executive Minister but not as successor.  In the Church, it is a tradition that every acceptance of office no matter how small the office may be requires an oath-taking.

1. Do we have any qualms about him as Executive Minister?

        No!  What we are saying is he violated the Church’s Incorporation papers.

2. Do we even mind if he becomes the Executive Minister?

        No! Because what is clear to us is we obeyed God in His command to                “EXPOSE THEM” and we were right in saying that he is a fake TP and the            Church that belong to God was once upon a time RULED BY A LEADER                NOT FROM GOD.

3. Does his legitimacy give credence that EVM is from God?

        No!  His legitimacy is by operation of law and is therefore recognized only          by the law of man.

4. On our part, how do we look in the eyes of God when we did not lift a                finger to question his illegitimate reign?  (Although we still have 11                    months to do it)

        If it is the will of God for His Church to be ruled by an illegitimate to test            us, then let it be.  If not, what excuse can we present to God before Him            in His judgment seat?

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