Monday, 28 January 2019

Response to Bro. Marlex Cantor’s Article


Response to Bro. Marlex Cantor’s Article

Bro. Cantor, you are correct in using the words “expelled dissenters” because the ministers were indeed expelled when they dissented and did not follow the majority in the evil works of darkness but instead have gladly obeyed God’s commandment to "expose them".   But you erred in saying that the ministers are rebellious just because they were in compliance with the commandments of God.  If obeying God's commandment is rebellion, then will you also say the same of what Apostle Peter said when he declared that “we ought to obey God first than men”?

Again, Bro. Cantor you erred in calling the small remnant as a “club” because there is nothing in the prophecy that say it is.  Likewise, Bro. Jon never mention in the bible study that “it doesn’t matter that the prophecy about the small remnant was not taught by the Messenger and Bro. EGM.”  This early, it appears that Bro. Cantor is motivated by a desire to deceive his readers rather than to enlighten.  He must have forgotten that he is a minister of the gospel.  It is worth mentioning that the Satan is described by the Bible as "the deceiver of the world."  In this response, we will dissect line by line what Bro. Cantor has presented or misrepresented and will oppose vehemently if the same are paradoxically and diametrically opposed to the words of God.

He said:  This shows…

                            1.Their flat-out admission that they are teaching a different gospel since                            their claim to being the prophesied small remnant was NOT TAUGHT by                        the Messenger and Bro. EGM.


Bro. Cantor’s understanding of the bible is obviously flawed.  In his own erroneous interpretation, it can be deduced that if the words of God written in the bible was not taught by the Messenger and Bro. EGM, those amount to a different gospel.  That, certainly is a  misinterpretation of Apostle Paul’s teachings written in Galatians 1:8 that says:

“But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to that which we [originally] preached to you, let him be condemned to destruction!”

Bro. Cantor, must be reminded that what Apostle Paul was warning the Galatians is of a gospel that is contrary to what they have originally preached which is not really another gospel but a counterfeit teaching from a distorted gospel of Christ.  This is what is written in verses 6 to 7 of the same book:

I am astonished and extremely irritated that you are so quickly shifting your allegiance and deserting Him who called you by the grace of Christ, for a different [even contrary] gospel; which is really not another [gospel]; but there are [obviously] [a]some [people masquerading as teachers] who are disturbing and confusing you [with a misleading, counterfeit teaching] and want to distort the gospel of Christ [twisting it into something which it absolutely is not].

We, the true defenders are matured enough to distinguish the true gospel from a distorted one. The Lord Jesus has given us the wisdom, the discernment thereof that He promised to His true  followers.  (Luke 21:15-18)  A lot of times in the INC of EVM, the verses may not have been distorted but the applications thereof are obviously diverted thus qualifying them to be that of another gospel.    We love and respect the sugo and Ka EGM but what Bro. Cantor is trying to project in his article is placing them ahead of God and our Lord Jesus Christ.  We have always been taught to put God first in our life and our Lord Jesus also taught that a servant is no greater than his master.  We are all servants and that include both the sugo and Ka Erdy.  We are no greater than our master who is our Almighty God Himself and our Lord Jesus Christ. 

                                                 "....for i will give you the right words and such wisdom that none of
                                                  your opponents will be able to reply or refute you!  Even those closest                                                    to you - your parents, brothers, relatives, and friends - will betray you.                                                      They will even kill you some of you.  And everyone will hate you                                                                  because you are my followers.  But not a hair of your head will perish."

                                        2.  Their temerity and conceitedness in ASSERTING THAT THEY KNOW BETTER than                            the Messenger and Ka Erdy and in usurping the authority to preach the gospel,                                which they have lost when they abandoned and were removed from the ministry                              and the Church.


Such a statement is totally false and irresponsible.  The true ministers that were expelled for siding with the truth never did these allegations from Bro. Cantor and has never usurp any authority to preach the gospel. It will give him a little semblance of credibility if he will back his charges up with solid proofs.   Likewise, there is no verse written in the bible that ministers will lose right to preach when they are expelled from the synagogue because their election came from God and it is God  alone that can take back what He has given.  This is what Apostle Paul declared in Galatians 3:7

of which I became a minister according to the gift of the grace of God given to me by the effective working of His power."

The ministry is God's gift of grace given to His people by the effective working of His power. When will God take back this gift that he has given?  This is what is documented in Psalm 50:16-24:

But to the wicked God says:
“What right have you to declare My statutes,
Or take My covenant in your mouth,
17 Seeing you hate instruction
And cast My words behind you?
18 When you saw a thief, you consented[c] with him,
And have been a partaker with adulterers.
19 You give your mouth to evil,
And your tongue frames deceit.
20 You sit and speak against your brother;

You slander your own mother’s son.

The verses speak clearly; God has taken away the minister’s right to declare His statutes when he turns wicked, when he hates instruction, when they consented with a thief and had become partakers with adulterers, when they give their mouth to evil and their tongue frames deceit, when they sit and speak against their brother and slander their own mother’s son.  Clear as a whistle!    Who, therefore have already lost their right to preach God’s word?  The bible points an accusing finger on the ministers in the INC of EVM.  They are the recipients of God's gift of grace but in a sudden twist of fate, have not lifted a finger to oppose the evil and corruption in the Church.  Now that we have ascertained who truly have lost their right to preach the gospel, the other contentions of Bro. Cantor are clearly negated by the fact that he is among those whose right to preach has been withdrawn by God but for the sake of clarity, we shall continue dissecting his statements.

He said further that we have forgotten that it was the Messenger who holds the seal.  No, we did not forget and never will.  You are correct, the ministers and workers who are with the messenger in the sealing function are inside the Church, the true Church of Christ under the administration of the sugo and Ka Erdy and not the institution of EVM.   What you are forgetting Bro. Cantor is the stewardship or administration in the true Church of Christ came from God (Colossians 1:25) and therefore, the Administrator must also come from God.  In the case of EVM, you and I know that he has no authority as Executive Minister for not complying with the provisions of the Amended Articles of Incorporation of the INC.  In view thereof, it is our firm belief that the ministers who were expelled from the synagogue but are very much active members of the body of our Lord Jesus Christ did not lose their right to preach the gospel.   And as discussed above, the ministers who turned their backs on God and have become wicked are the ones that no longer have that right.

I now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up in my flesh what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ, for the sake of His body, which is the church, 25 of which I became a minister according to the [a]stewardship from God which was given to me for you, to fulfill the word of God. (Col 1:25)

                         3.   Their ignorance of God’s words. Christ taught that the understanding of the                                        mystery  of God’s words is given only to the messengers of God. Those who are                              outside the confines of such divine commissioning can only hear and see but not                            understand (Mark 4:11-12). Not among those sent by God, they have no                                              understanding of the true gospel, much less the authority to preach it (Rom. 10:14-                          15).


There is no argument; the messengers of God were given the understanding of the mystery of the kingdom of God and if I may add, it includes those that were sealed.  Likewise, there is no argument concerning these ministers who stood up on the side of God’s righteousness.  They continue to manifest the wisdom and understanding that God has given them unlike the corrupt and wicked ministers who read verses from the bible but deliberately divert its application for the glory of EVM.

Bro. Cantor said further that the ministers are totally contradicting not just themselves but the biblical truths that the sugo and Ka Erdy taught.  Again, it will lend credence to his statement if only he was able to show at least one teaching that the ministers contradict.  Preaching the words of God written in the bible is a sworn duty of every minister.  It was God who appointed them as ministers and preaching the gospel is their covenant with Him.  Do not think for a minute Bro. Cantor that the INC of EVM has the monopoly of the right to preach the words of God. As mentioned in Psalm 50:16-24, God has already withdrawn your right to preach His words, ministers turned wicked when you opted to obey a man.

            4. Their being devoid of the Holy Spirit. Christ clearly stated that those who are of the                          world cannot receive or accept the Holy Spirit (John 14:17). Those who are separate                        from Christ (separated or expelled from the Church) are of the world (Eph. 2:12).


Who between the expelled ministers and the ministers in the INC of EVM are devoid of the Holy Spirit?  Let us cite a specific example.  In the prayers of the wicked ministers this is what they are asking God to do:

            “Amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa puksain mo sila”

Where on earth can you find ministers presenting themselves as men of God but is actually ordering God to commit murder?   It was God Himself who commanded “Thou Shall Not Kill” yet these evil ministers are asking God to commit what He has forbidden.  What a way to blaspheme God ha!  Now tell us Bro. Cantor if these ministers are devoid of the Holy Spirit or not.  To me even their sanity had left them already.  That is what happens if you switch loyalty from God to man.

This last statement of Bro. Cantor will really make people laugh it bounced back straight to them.  He said:

“There used to be false prophets among God's people, just as you will have some FALSE TEACHERS in your group. They will secretly TEACH THINGS THAT ARE WRONG -- teachings that will CAUSE PEOPLE TO BE LOST. They will even refuse to accept the Master, Jesus, who bought their freedom. So they will bring quick ruin on themselves. … THOSE FALSE TEACHERS ONLY WANT YOUR MONEY, so THEY WILL USE YOU BY TELLING YOU LIES. Their judgment spoken against them long ago is still coming, and their ruin is certain.” (II Peter 2:1, 3 NCV)

The bible is clear, Bro. Cantor that the false prophets are among God’s people.  They were the ones who took over from the Apostles in the First Century Church of Christ.  They were those who led the Church to Apostasy.  They are the wolves in sheep’s clothing.  In our time, they are the ministers who took over the helm from Ka Erdy.  The ministers who are asking God to kill, leaders who planted hate in the minds of the gullible brethren.   These are the ministers who instead of uniting have divided the friends and families in the Church, these are ministers who will never neglect to exact money and more money from the brethren with their never-ending special offerings.  They are those who teach that it is ok to disrespect parents. They continue to lie to the brethren about how they plunged the Church into indebtedness with billions of pesos that they owe to the banks.  They have the temerity to mortgage the properties of the Church that were already offered to God hence those are no longer the Church’s properties but God’s.  It is never their intention to glorify God but man as evidenced by those Guinness records.

What about the expelled ministers?  Did any one of them commit any of the despicable acts mentioned above?  No, not one.  Remember; in the verse you used the false teachers mentioned are “in your group”.  We, the true defenders are no longer in your group.  We obeyed the biblical exhortation written in Ephesians 5:11 and 2 Corinthians 6:17 that says:

            “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose

And so the Lord says, “You must leave them and separate yourselves from them. Have nothing to do with what is unclean, and I will accept you.

Bro. Cantor, you need not look elsewhere, just look inside your group for it is not hard to find out who among you are the false teachers.  Why?  Because you all teach the same lesson as per the teachings that your leaders have crafted and wanted you all to preach.  You and your group are the fulfillment of the new wolves in sheep’s clothing.  You are trying to complete the Apostasy of the INC but you will not succeed because God placed us here; the small remnant.

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